Wednesday, June 17, 2009

animal mothers

Over the past few weeks Ryan and I have been watching Planet Earth. If you have not seen it, you need to. It is amazingly beautiful and makes you really appreciate how perfect our Earth is. The precision in how everything works together exactly is testiment of God's greatness and perfection.

As I have learned so much from mothers around me, I had no idea that animals in the wild could also teach me so much about being a mother. Last night, Planet Earth featured the humpback whales. Before the mother gives birth, she travels thousands of miles to warm tropical waters to have her calf. While there she uses all of her fat storages to nurse her calf while the total lack of food leads the mother close to starvation. She endures to make sure her baby can grow up in a safe warm place. When grown, the mom leads her calf to the polar seas and her first food in almost a year. Once there, the calf goes out on his own to start his own life. The whales were just one of many examples of how mothers in the animal world will risk everything to protect and raise thier young. No matter how different all the fish, animals, birds, or people in the world, the Lord made all mothers the same. Pretty neat.


The Hines Family said...

That IS neat! :-)

I love the picture of you and Grayson from your last post! So sweet! :-)

Anna said...

I agree planet earth is's amazing to see what animals do that we have never even thought about!