Monday, June 15, 2009

Grayson vs. stuff

As of Friday I am now officially a stay at home mom. It is hard to actually believe that the time has finally come when I can spend everyday with my precious baby boy. Believe me, I have grappled with this decision for years ever since we decided we were going to have children. I always thought I wanted to be a working mom, but over the last two years I have done a complete 180. As we struggled with infertility and were unsure if the Lord would bless us with a little one, I had an even greater sense that my place is with my family first and formost. I don't know if it was the struggle to obtain something that is so easy for others, that changed my heart. If so then the Lord clearly knows what He desires for me and will take me through the hardships to open my eyes.

The control freak in me is terrified by my new endevour as I am married to a teacher who gets a teacher. I constantly, even still, wonder if we can do it. We live in an age where we HAVE to have so much stuff. It seems impossible to live on one income because of the nessesity of cable, internet, cell phones, nice cars...etc. Sadly, already it has been a challenge to always pick Grayson over all this stuff. Thankfully the Lord is good. He, as He always does, gently reminds me that He is in control and will meet every need. For that I am already blessed. The little blessings both monetary and not are more meaningful now as we make a seeminng huge sacrifice.

I thought it was interesting that on my last day of school I was told by four different people at different places and different times that I will never regret staying home with my children. The Lord speaks in amazing ways, I just need to keep listening.


Anna said...

What a precious gift to be able to spend that time with Grayson...we will miss you but you have definitely made the right choice!

Unknown said...

My heart desires everyday to be at home with my boys but my dream always eludes me due to many different things. You can never get back the time you have with your children... cherish every moment! Blessings to you!